Greenstone Stepping Stone Pavers 60cm Handcarved


Botanical Name:

Stepping stone pavers

Qty Avail:

200pcs avail


large profiled stepping stone pavers for pathways or courtyards, even can be used as wall cladding,capping even cut as chunky edging looks amazing, use your creativity!

We have both Carved leaf pattern and also option for gentle pitched side for grip(you can use either depending on the look you want (pitched side is more contemporary and leaf carving is more resort style)


Greenstone is a beautiful natural volcanic stone, it works well with any environment as it is a mild brown/dark green lime colour. greenstone ages much better than sandstone but with a similar texture, Greenstone is easy to cut or chisel with a diamond grinder/wetsaw or common tools.


Size 60-70cm square and 8-9.5cm thick

around 30kg each (very heavy)

  • Stepping stone pavers
  • 200pcs avail
  • 60cm Greenstone steppers pitched hand made
    60cm Greenstone steppers pitched hand made