Frangipani Tree


Botanical Name:

Plumeria Species


Central America


Full sun but will tolerate shade with less flowers

Max Height:

6m tall and wide

Soil Conditions:

Very well drained, sandy with lots of organic matter, will like damp in summer and dry in winter. Large tap root(non destructive) FROST FREE

Qty Avail:



Frangipani tree is a fantastic and tough feature tree for coastal gardens, bringing its floral summery beach vibe to homes all over Australia for may years.

Frangipani is a useful landscaping tree as it is deciduous in winter (good for winter light on understory plants) and provides very cool shade and scent in the harsh dry hot summers that Sydney provides. Plumeria is a very slow growing tree in Sydney therefore it is always best for your new garden to buy the largest Plant that you can afford with a good root system. Propagating your own is entirely possible, although cheaper it is extremely slow for a cutting to grow new roots and start performing again (2-3years).

Generally, the white and yellow Plumeria in Sydney are the best growing with the most prolific and scented flowers of all the species.

When Buying, a large 300mm/400mm pot is a good affordable size to begin with (generally a 1-1.5m plant with good a thick trunk) 

However if you need something with a little more impact something 2m is a great size and landscape trees such as 3-4m are readily available.


  • Plumeria Species
  • Central America
  • Full sun but will tolerate shade with less flowers
  • 6m tall and wide
  • Very well drained, sandy with lots of organic matter, will like damp in summer and dry in winter. Large tap root(non destructive) FROST FREE

  • Many
  • 400mm Frangipani Example $275
    400mm Frangipani Example $275400L plumeria example $1650
    400L plumeria example $1650